Wednesday, August 24, 2011


I am a native of the area, having been born in St. John's Hospital, right here in Springfield, Missouri. I spent most of my childhood living in Clever, Missouri and graduated from Clever High School in 1984. I am the mother of five children, with four girls and one boy, ranging in age from twenty three to fourteen. And for the record, I HATE teenagers. Nothing personal to fellow students, but I have disliked teenagers from the time I was a teenager. I am a single mother and currently have only two children remaining at home. If I survive the next four years of their high school careers, it will be a miracle. I have returned to school late in life because of my decision to have a family, as well as some other poor decisions that kept me from completing a degree earlier in life. I am currently employed at JP Morgan Chase as a customer service associate. I am seeking my Associates of Arts in Psychology and plan to continue toward my Bachelor's, most likely at Missouri State, however I am not sure where I will go from there. My son, who is a sophmore in high school, is a basketball player with a promising future in the sport so my future could be affected by what turns his career takes in the sport. I have attached a photo of my children, however the photo also includes my first husband and father of my oldest three children, and his son and step-son from a second marriage, so the young man on the far right and the small boy in front are not mine, but the rest of the children in the picture are mine. This picture was taken last May at my middle daughter's from high school in West Palm Beach Florida.

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